FAQs for Voice Assistants
Here are some quick tips and examples on how to use voice command with Cubtale App
(You can also find this information: Cubtale App > More > Tips > Voice Commands)
The available tracker lists for Alexa and Siri are as follows:
- For Alexa: Diaper, Meds & Supps, Bottle, and Sleep
- For Siri: Diaper, Bottle, Sleep, and Breastfeeding
Please note that Alexa and Siri is only available for Cubtale Premium users.You can get 3 months of Premium with any Cub Purchase. Discover Cubs

To enable Cubtale Alexa Skill, please follow these simple steps:
1. Open the Alexa App on your mobile phone and navigate to the "Skills & Games" section in the "More" tab
2. In the search bar, type "Cubtale" and press enter. When the Cubtale app appears in the search results, click on it.
3. Once you're on the Cubtale Alexa Skill page, locate the "Settings" option. Within the skill settings page, you'll find a button labeled "Link Account." Click on this button to initiate the setup process. It will open the Cubtale App to complete your setup.
4. You can now start using Alexa to log care activities.
Alexa Voice Command Examples:
1. “Alexa open Cubtale Baby”
“Liam pooped 10 minutes ago.”
“How long has it been since the last diaper change for Max?”
“Baby Olivia took vitamin.”
“I gave Sophie 3 oz of formula 1 hour ago.”

To use Siri:
Please make sure Siri is available on your iPhone. To enable Siri go to:
Settings > Siri & Search > Turn On Listen for “Hey Siri” & turn on Allow Siri When Locked
Siri Voice Command Examples:
1. “Hey Siri”
“Cubtale, log a dirty diaper for Olivia.”
“Cubtale, log sleep for Liam.”
“Cubtale, Liam started sleeping.”
“Cubtale, Liam woke up.”
“Cubtale, save a bottle for Sophie.”
For more examples please go to iPhone's Shortcuts App and scroll down to Cubtale Section to see all voice commands you can use with Siri.
Please note that Alexa and Siri is only available for Cubtale Premium users. You can get 3 months of Premium with any Cub Purchase. Discover Cubs